Business Process management
Step by step
A business can be regarded as a collection of projects and processes aimed at maximizing its benefits from a particular market segment. The performance of the business depends largely upon the efficiency of these processes.
To be efficient, the sequence of activities, which form a process must be executed in a timely manner by competent people having appropriate resources and information. Management processes are not fundamentally different, but carry the additional burden of responsibility for profit and loss, regulatory and legal compliance, and moral corporate behavior.
The growing demand for systematic regulation of business decision-making the Corporate Governance
Mobility poses new challenges for Corporate Governance in adding the respect of privacy of shared information, when this becomes mobile.
Systematic management of business rules and procedures for decision-making presupposes that they have been clearly defined, are consistent and definitive. This is a situation which is rarely a reality and difficult to impose on external participants, who are free to refuse if they do not consider it beneficial. The challenge is an “easy-to-work-with” company.
Chain of events linked together
BlueChatCal contributes to accelerate, widen and secure your business processes and take decision faster and easier, especially when their participants are mobile.
BlueChatCal business process and project are conceived as a chain of events that are tightly linked together.
The event responsible can create easily many sub events during the event. These sub-events have a parent/child relation with the main event and consequently create a chain of events.
Each event can be saved as templates. These bricks are easily reusable to create new workflows.
Chain of events can be saved as well as BPM template
Chain of events can be viewed as Gant chart
Event can be of various type including integration with your IS.
Offer collaborative services
From company centric to collaborative services
Until now, most of BPM is reserved to internal collaborators. How can you securely invite person external to your organization?
Today the most advanced solution remains “company centric”, you use traditional mails warning them that they have an important information in your dedicated portal? They will have some many portal identifier to remember and to open.
Think mobile collaborators, Think client, Think supplier, Think partner
Become “user centric” and reinforce ethic behavior
“Easy to work with” company
- when you invite your external stakeholder to participate in an event it is free.
- you and your participants are using the same application, easy to use and intuitive, opposed to many company that impose a “dumb” portal, often not adapted for mobile device display (not responsive)
- you empower participants, they can discuss, collaborate, express their feelings and finally you can decide together.
Widen your business processes
Involve Business Process stakeholders
Invite Clients, Suppliers and Partners
Just empower them
- invite all the stakeholders around the event, ChatCal is free for them
- give them predefined roles,
- share information, comment,
- let them contribute with document and comments
- discuss with them and
- take collaboratively the right decision.
Your data and theirs are protected thanks to ChatCal secure BYOD Citrus Architecture,
Having all stakeholders around the event will accelerate business decision.
All person can actively participate in the event according to their respective given role in
- being informed
- attending physically or remotely
- contributing with multimedia documents
- commenting contribution
- voting, rating, liking
- choosing the next step
- having inside each step the guidelines document
Your stakeholders might already use ChatCal. If not invite them for free. They will receive a mail and be invited to use the free version of ChatCal . They can install in few clicks and contribute actively to your business process.
B2B, B2C & C2B facilitator
Respect stakeholder organization
Decisions are made commonly, nevertheless each company participating in this event has a different way to work
- For each one the event can belong to a different life: a medical visit belongs to the practitioner “professional life” as for the patient this visit belongs to his “private/health” life. Each participant to an event can customize the event in order to fit its own organization.
- Shared documents during an event belong to all participants. Each participant might have its own classification practice and archiving plan. BlueDigital safe is able to archive these documents according to the needs of each participant (Filing Plan)
- Event documents or decisions might need internal approval business process specific to each company. ChatCal permits the launching of these collateral business processes inside an event and then return to the main business
- C2B a client can generate an event based on a template, you provide to them (information request, meeting, claim…). Consequently, they can initiate a business process that you designed.
is easier and faster according to participants’
- contributions
- vote
- comment
and keep context of the decision: BlueSafe stores contributions and comments, so that you keep the context of decisions. After few months or for somebody new to the company, this person can follow the decision making. This will also facilitate audits and justifications. You know the background and can respond quickly to regulation enquiries.
Approved document can be signed using both electronic and manual with a handwritten signature.
To sign manaually just export the document, print it locally, make it sign, take picture of the signed document, bring it back at headoffice or via postal services. The synchronized picture is already synchronized with the headoffice that can take agreed actions, while you are still on the move
as member of the business process you might be authorized to delegate your participation to a colleague. This delegation may be submitted to authorization and is traced in the record management.
Rigorous and flexible
- to rigorous to adapt to unattended fact
- unable to adapt to business changes without being redesigned
Unattended fact makes that the foreseen business process is impacted. As an actor you don’t know how to face this new fact. Just create a subevent to ask your management what to do. Upon decision the business will continue (and might be enhanced to reflect the fact in the continuous enhancement process)
Upon unattended fact,
- you can let the event’s reponsible to take the adequate decision to solve this unattended fact in modifying the event (everything is traced). Then the business process reponsible can review the modified event. If the solution satisfies the business this modified evnet can be saved as a template replacing the former template.
- the event responsible can initiate a sub event to his management and decide together what is the best solution to be taken
- Every actions, delegation, even improvisation are recorded to ensure traceability
Continuous enhancement
When possible the easiest and fastest manner consist to save the unattented resolution event as templates and replace the previous event template with the new one.
BlueChatCal worflow is made of bricks of events. It’s easy for the workflow responsible to
- modify an event template, to add a condition in a lifecycle, to add a life cycle
- to add a new event to a chain of event
- to add a new chain of events
- to test the result using the replay function to simulate the case
- template
Everywhere at any time
Using ChatCal permit to all participant to
- participate physically or remotely in the event
- Inform all participant on event at any time of any progress or change (“are you ready ?” “Conf call in 15 min” message)
- Distribute automatically information, reports, agenda, minutes…
Keep control of your information
BlueChatCal protect the privacy of your business information as well as the information of its participants.
All along of your Business Process (and even after) you keep control of your information
BlueChatCal offers audit capabilities of your processes and events with traceability and Record management functionnalities
Auditors benefit of an intelligent search combining
- index and
- full text search
They can easily retrieve:
- who participate in which process and his role, his contribution, his comment, where and when, using wich device…
- the business processes instances where a version of contract containing a specific sentence were used, when, in wich business process, by whom, who signed it…
Process Replay:
Auditors can replay a process and view it in different manner as:
- List
- Calendar
- Gant Chart
Non intrusive integration with your Information System
BlueChatCal is not part of your IS nor in its Network.
BCC integration consists of a Message Queuing System based with your IS.
- a query for information to one or many dedicated programs of your Information System
- reception of response from your Information System and
- sending information to a dedicated program after an eventual format transformatin
In BCC workflows, complex integration can be a pecialized “Integration” event in order to be:
- Easily maintained in case of evolution
- Integrated into many workflows
Check before process
This event might be controlled by the event owner or the application responsible in order to check and approve the information before to process it-
Format transformation
This event can transform the format of this information in order
- to be used in your IS application
- split into chunck of information if many applications are concerned
- readable for the event owner on a “need to see” basis, compliant with the “Privacy by Design” principles and GDPR (art 5c)
- our consultant can team with your DPO and technical team to define these integration events
Implement BCC in your organization
Implement BlueChatCal project and business process
Projects and Business Processes are chain of events duly organized.
Try and play
- Create an event, eventually using a template,
- parameter
- participant and role
- life cycle
- duration
- alarms and reminders
- automated queries to IS and response
- document
- insert fork or join
- play with it and test
Once you are satified with an event save it as template.
Use this template as a brick of your workflow, eventually customize it and test it
Reuse bricks and workflow subsets
Progressive implementation
You can implement BlueChatCal processes through out your organization smoothly and progressively.
Complex processes
can be divided into many linked events that can run in parallel with branching and junction.
You can also use integration event for decision tree, branching or joining flows
Progress control
As responsible of a particular business process or as initiator you can see where it stands in different view as list, calendar, Gant chart…
Use our services
Liaise with our team, Send us a BPMN scheme. With agile methods, we can help you to
- Plan
- Design
- Test
- Manage change
- Implement
- Train your team
- Support
- Transfer knowledge