BlueChatCal 4 Health
Current situation
The cost of healthcare is increasing every year, putting under pressure the various actors: patient, health professionals, hospitals, pharma companies, insurance…
According to World Bank organization, today’s health cost is globally 10% of GDP (source World Bank)
These figures are indicative and may vary among developed countries according to their local health organization.
Patient data are disseminated across various public and private databases. This dissemination provokes a lack of global view of the patient dossier and causes risk of reliability, consistency and confidentiality. When it comes to clinical decision support for precision medicine or personalized care, this lack of global view might lead to medical errors and increased costed (exams needs to be duplicated…).
The current technologies: blockchain, bigdata, machine learning, cognitive-, semantic- and analytics computing, private cloud, health IOT’s and mobile computing might help to control the costs.
It’s high time to make these new technologies participating to the cost reduction of the expenses in introducing a new paradigm.
Novel disruptive solution
BCC4Health strives to reduce global cost in gathering the stakeholders in medical administrative processes.
Because health and medical information must be kept highly confidential
Because BlueChatCal
- protects privacy of information
- is conceived using “privacy by design” principles
- can manage securely collaborative processes
BlueChatCal can offer to the health community a disruptive novel and unique solution as no other does
for all health main actors
BCC4Health aims to be a low-cost health platform solution that
- Gathers the health community, the patient and his family, the civil organization in a collaborative manner
- Collect and store privately the medical data
- Share privately in real time or in batch among the concerned medical participants on a “need to see” basis
- the collected medical data
- request for medical act
- feed backs and report
- Manage and coordinate health processes
- Enrich the Patient Dossier
The patient or responsible (in case of minor, disabled person or aged senior)
- Constitute his/her self-owned patient dossier stored in a secure Digital Safe,
- ChatCal offers a secure container dedicated to health information in the private life segment
- Having at finger tips the past medical information,
- Can organize tele consultation
- Especially in case of Accident: information as
- who to contact
- referal doctor
- health: blood group, salient disease, current treatment, allergy, intolerance, diet. last vaccine date
- administrative information
- Plan the care schedule,
- Future planned visits and reminder
- Drug intake and treatment reminders
- Vaccine dates, booster date reminders
- Share with doctors his medical information
- Warn on intolerance to drug, food… due to health or social/religious habits
- Secure and facilitate the “Walk-in Clinic”
- Collect medical/health/sport IOT devices (wrist band activity, fever, blood sugar level, heart pressure/rate…),
Referring or occasional general practitioner, specialist or first aid they profit of BCC to
- Facilitate their daily work
- Ensure mobility, anytime, anywhere
- Have at fingertips the patient information, even when visiting patient on site
- Manage his patient dossier information
- Follow-up the patient
- Help to diagnose patient’s idisease in
- collecting multimedia data during examination using his various devices
- Recording patient interview
- Write notes
- Recording his observations, findings, diagnostic, prescription
- Taking photos of a wound,
- video of movement, claudication
- collecting data from medical devices, IOT
- collaborating in real time with
- Specialist,
- Diagnostic Artificial Intelligent repositories
- and refine laterly the drafted notes, observation, diagnostic prescription..
- collecting multimedia data during examination using his various devices
- Exchange, in real time or batch,
- health information with medical actors
- send or receive feed back to doctor
- Drug prescrition to pharmacist
- Prescription to nurses, medical care givers,
- Hospital, clinic
- Assistant
- Request and appointment for
- hospitalization
- visit to other doctor
- exam as biologic analysis or radiography
- Administrative information to
- Administrative staff
- Insurances
- Social services
- Advices to
- patient
- and to the family if needed
- Report
- adverse case to drug or medical device indutry
- anonymous case, protocols and treatments to medical research
- health information with medical actors
Nurse and care givers
Receiving from doctors the prescriptions for each patient, they can
- Organize the work collectively or individually
- Manage care planning, calendar and onsite visit
- Have access to the care instructions and prescriptions
- Ensure patient follow-up
- Give real time feedback on the patient to refering doctor and/or specialist
- Deal with administrative information, invoicing,
- Time sheet and task reports
Hospital, clinic, care & medical centers
Using the multiple view of ChatCal sorted per person, room or equipment
- Manage care planning, availibility, reservation and calendars
- Share the calendar of free slots availability with doctor
- Plan, assign and manage:
- Human resources,
- rooms,
- beds,
- equipements
- “Walk in clinic”
- Self reservation
- Manage request from
- doctors
- and patient
- Manage administrative dossier, insurance coverage and invoicing
The patient or the doctor share with the pharmacist the drug prescription
- Prepare the drug order, waiting the client to pick it up
- Elaborate the drug intake schedule and share it with the patient
- Build patient loyalty
- Invoice directly the insurrance for the covered part
- Eliminate paperflow
- Manage order drug renewal
- send anonymous statistics to pharmaceutical companies
Social services
As ChatCal protects the confidentiality of medical information, ChatCal is the perfect medium to involve civil social services in the health process and keep patient at home that is beneficiary to moral and less expensive. Upon patient, family or insurrance request, social service can :
- Organize resource planing and control
- Schedule regular visit
- Housing, Shopping, Childcare services
- Child teaching ( home or remote using ChatCal services)
- Send feed back to concerned participants
- Request a medical care or visit
- Manage expenses, time sheet and invoice
Medical research
As ChatCal protects the confidentiality of medical information, BlueSafe BigData structure is the perfect repository to extract anonymous medical data for medical research. Upon doctors action and patient agreement:
- Constitute anonymous medical cases collection
- Follow-up of the cases with continuous enrichment
- Elaborate correlation
- Develop new protocol, modify and distribute updates
- Organize training
Health industry
Drug companies, medical devices indutry and protheses makers can profit of Chatcal and BlueSafe for continuous enhancement of their product
- Receive and collect drug adverse case from doctors
- Receive feed backs and suggestion from consumers or recommenders
- Study anonymous use cases
- Collect biomarkers in clinical trials
- Follow-up drugs use and efficiency,
- Profit of ChatCal ability to symchronize with IOT (Wifi, telecom, NFC, BlueTooth)
- Statistics
BCC4health salient deatures helps securely and collaboratively to
- Manage “medical event”, using its life cycles (before during after) as
- Visit on site
- Consultation, using
- request to consult
- shared calendar slots
- self reservation
- Teleconsultation
- Walk in clinic
- Exam (request and results)
- Hospitalization (request and stay)
- Prescription
- Drug intake and treatment schedule
- Patient self follow-up
- Vaccine schedule and booster
- Collect, capture, share and discuss the collected information,
- Collect medical device information and synchronize automatically with patient dossier
- I exit from consultation, in one touch I can
- transfer the drug prescription to my favourite pharmacy. He will prepare my drug packet ready to be picked up or deliver to my home with a schedule of drug intake
- send the paid amount to my insurrance
- book the visit to the physiotherapist using self registration
- send a request for a radiology exam
- I profit of a self follow up schedule that
- Reminds me of my medical care as drug intake, diabetic measure
- record my comments and remarks, the photo of my wound healiong, my fever, my pain rating…
- synchronize these data with my patient dossier and with my prescripting and referal doctors
- Connect to
- Diagnostic AI engine
- Remote doctor specialist
- Chain the medical events together (consultation, diagnostic and prescription, pharma, exam, followup…)
- Enrich patient dossier with all medical events information
- Manage calendars of events, actors, availability of equipement, room and bed for hospitals and medical centres
- Send request for visit or exam to other actors
- Transfer
- prescription to pharmacist
- Medical treatments for caregivers,
- Diet recommendation to social services
- Facilitate sharing and exchange of selected information (both nominative and/or anonymous) across health actors, privately
- Ensure health confidentiality all along the medical event life cycle and, its mobility and its archiving
- Organize on site consultation or vaccination campaign, even off line
- BCC4Health can act as a front end to the patient dossier repositories
- Transfer invoices and report to insurances
- Transmit gives a sick leave to my employer
And many other…
Some examples
Dr Lisa visits patients on site
How Dr. Lisa organizes her day for visiting patient, use remote help and keeps health secret using mobile rights
Prescription event
How her prescription is declined into sub events, requests for medical actions, drug intake schedule and follow up
Patient follow up
How the patient, his family, care givers and participate to the "Patient Self Follow-up" and prevention with "Sync-n-clinic" event
In Case of Accident my smartphone has a special button that the First Aid can press to get information