Prescription event
Outcomes of the consultation
Dr Lisa has created different outcomes as conclusion of the patient consultation:
- Drug prescription
- Reserve a nurse visit
- Request the visit of a specialist doctor
- Plan physiotherapist massage
- Plan a Biology exam
- Request a radiology exam
- Create a Self-follow-up schedule that the patient has to respect (as catch fever, glycemic check)
- Administrative outcomes
- Invoices for insurrances
- Medical certificate for work stoppage
All these items generate new medical events linked to the original medical event, even if a date and place is not yet defined. These “sub-related events” will enrich the patient dossier.
The patient dossier may be viewed as:
- list of events
- calendar of events
- gant chart of events
Drug prescription
As the patient is alone and bedridden, Jane, who is care giver at the social services, visit him on a daily basis. Dr Lisa knows that fact and took care to invite Jane in the consultation event, thus Jane received the drug prescription as well as the care advices.
Before to visit the patient, she invites the pharmacist to the drug prescription event (Dr Lisa forgot to do it). Jane adds the time when she want to pickup and eventually additional products not to be part of the prescription.
The pharmacist can prepare the drugs to be picked up.
As Jane is visting many persons a day, she can collect all the drug packet for the various patients she will visit today, as she does for the shopping lists. Jane is well organized thanks to ChatCal and can concentrate on the quality of service to the persons..
From the “drug prescription” to the “Drug Intake Schedule”
The pharmacist receives the “Drug prescription” and he prepares the command. The “Drug Intake schedule” template will help him in
- selecting the drug, quantity, frequency, duration calculate the nbr of package
- scanning the barcode, will substitute the generic name of the mollecule with the name of the delivered drug and photo of the packaging (to help the patient)
- scheduling hour of intake (morning noon evening or using the standard mention)
- or adding blank date/time for drugs “in case of”
- type other indications and advices usefull for the patient
The Drug Intake Schedule is synchronized with the Drug prescription event-
Preparing the “drug intake schedule” will also prepare:
- the invoices to be sent to the insurance(s) or paid at pickup,
- the immediate order for missing drug
- the scheduled order for drugs renewal
- delivery orders if the patient preferred to delivered home
Drug intake schedule
participates to Patient self follow-up
The drug intake schedule reminds the patient to intake the drugs at scheduled time.
The patient takes the drug and check the box to confirm that he has follow the treatment and eventually add notes and comments
The persons (family, care givers, nurse…) who help him to follow the treatment can check the box and add notes.
As ChatCal synchronizes thiese actions with the devices of the assitant, everyone knows waht has been done and avoid duplicated action or omission.
From drug prescription event to the drug intake schedule event
The pharmacist generates the Drug Intake schedule that participates to the patient self follow-up