Companies projects and business processes as well as our life are made of events:
something that happens over a certain period of time

As simple and easy as a Swiss Knife, ChatCal manages your events

preserves the mutual privacy of both:
The information that you share
and information of your correspondants, who trust in you


So easy to crerate an event. From scratch, from a template, clone an existing event and modify its properties

Choose the type of your event

Select its life

This event belongs to a segment of your life: ​Professionnal, Private (Health, Finance, other), Family, Social (Association, Sport)

Attach & share multimedia document

that your correspondant will read, listen or watch, when you will invite them or later


mandatory, optional or for information
Give them role to ensure event security Empower them to invite other or delegate their attendance

Send now or later

Send later offers to refine the event, get approval on the inviting document or the list of invitees

Manage invitees

Who will attend? Remind non-resèponding Attendance will help you to organize the logistics if any Approve the delegation

Run the event

As scheduled, declare it open, choose your participating devices and let the participant contribute

Multidevice use

Use simultaneaouly your various device and the most suitable: Easier to take a picture with your smartphone Easier to type a text with a tablet or PC

Moderate the contributions

Your participants contribute with multimedia documents and comment. You moderate these contributions, share them with the other participants now, later or stop them


All participants can comment the contribution, with text, additional multimedia document. Creating a structured discussion


Your participants contribute also with opinions as votes, rating and like.It's easier to take mutually agreed decision. Contributions, commentsv and opinions help to keep the context of your decisions

Close the event

Debrief the event Distribute the minutes. Finalize and assign the outcoming events (task, meeting, prescription...) that are the future steps of your project or business process

Archive in BlueSafe

The event and all its information documents and comments is safely kept in the same dossier in BlueSafe. Event is automatically and securely removed from all participating devices and still vai9lable to all in BlueSafe

Audit & Traceability

The archived events are in a read only mode for all its participants during a predefined retention period. Legal and duly authorized persons can audit the events

and comes with a lot of goodies